5/4 – Day 27 – to Acton
Started early, hiked real hard today, mostly through old burn areas. There was much Poodle Dog Bush which is like poison oak if you touch it and later in the hike, lower down, there was Poison Oak as well.
After hiking hard I got to the top of Gleason Peak. I had lunch there, or was it breakfast at 11:15. An egg, cheese, and sausage omelette, very good. While I was eating Patches came by, he is an ultra light hiker who said he was going to the Acton KOA, 14 miles mostly down the hill. I had already hiked 10 so what’s another 14. I hiked hard and fast, after 7 miles, I reached a closed Ranger Station where there was a water cache. I met the guy that supplies the cache. He has lived there for 15 years, making signs for the Forest Service. He told me that a PCT hiker had started a forest fire last night about 5 miles back. He did not put out his cooking fire properly and had awoken with fire all around him. I had smelled smoke and saw fire trucks near the trail earlier, but I thought it was a prescribed burn. They got the fire out, it only burned 5 acres. On the way down I met a woman coming up with her son who was a ways behind her carrying most of the gear. She was hiking this section of the PCT because last year her hiking partner had to be rescued by helicopter because of physical breakdown. It was a very hard day for me, and I made it to the KOA after the store was closed, but thankfully they let me in. It cost $5 to stay, with hot showers included. Patches and I camped next door. I drank a heck of a lot but still seemed to need more. I ordered a pizza and large green salad that was delivered right to my camp; that was superb. My niece Laurel and boyfriend Max are driving up from LA tomorrow to visit with me. That will be great. I hear Patches snoring.
Click the link to see where I am located: http://fms.ws/Bxffw/34.43801N/118.26625W