5/5 – Day 28 – Hiker Heaven
The stay in the Acton KOA was nice. Jose the manager was great at his job, treated everybody like family, had a super staff, clean bathrooms, just a well run place. Worked on charity till past midnight, awoke before six, not getting enough sleep. Very cool today, sprinkled a little. Laurel and Max came to visit from LA and brought me some Nutella, fruit, water, cokes, and pastries. It was real nice seeing them; we visited for a couple hours.
I headed out through the desert at about 12:39 pm for Hiker Heaven in Agua Dulce. Another hiker paradise. Hot shower, laundry done for me, Cinco de Mayo tacos, about nine of them, no fooling. The 11 mile hike through the desert was easy in the cool weather. Got to the freeway 14, rested and made some phone calls. Went through Vasquez Rocks Natural Area, that was pretty interesting.
A great bunch of hikers were there at hiker heaven, all of them I knew. (Doug, Patches, Spitfire, Accent, Wildflower). I never met the owner, the Stouflies but the hosts, Waterboy and his wife were incredibly incredible. Everything a PCT hiker would need you can get here free. The talk of the trail to come, and of past trail adventures was fabulous. Spitfire and I are going to move on tomorrow for a 24 mile day to another trail angel house. I am sleeping on a bed in a trailer with a blanket, a nice change.