Taboose Pass is a low-altitude trailhead (5400′ elevation) and there’s not much shade, so it’s often hot, and it was getting there as I began hiking up at about 8:30 am.
Looking Back, a half hour into the hike up Taboose Pass.
You will experience many biologic zones as this strenuous trail climbs more than 6,000 feet up the Taboose Creek Canyon between Cardinal Mountain and Goodale Mountain.
Looking up Taboose Pass
To quote Wikipedia, “Taboose Pass is one of the more difficult east side passes in the Sierra-Nevada Mountains range…”
Getting higher.
Taboose Creek and Crags
My hike from near the trailhead to Taboose pass was eight and a half miles.
Near the tree line.
Above Tree Line
Snow and building storm.
8 hours ago I was in the desert and it was 90 degrees and now I am experiencing snow/hail showers.
Near the Summit.
I made the summit of Taboose Pass just before 5 PM.
The pass.
Looking down over Taboose Pass into Kings Canyon National Park.
I cannot adequality describe how difficult today’s hike turned out. It was hot, relentless, steep. There were rock slides over the trail, the creek over took the trail in areas, snow covered the trail, and then hail. Oh did I mention it’s almost a mile climb. As often happens to me at high altitudes, I lose my hunger. After reaching the pass at 5 pm I continue down to the Kings River (the valley seen in the distance in the above picture). I reach the kings river at about 7 pm and I soon discover that due to high water there was no way to cross where the trail does. The PCT is on the side of the river. I soon find a nice camp spot and set up for the night. I way way over did it today, I am totally spent, cramping, sick to my stomach and unable to eat. I am discouraged by the snow and high water but the hike was beautiful and here in camp there are no mosquitos.
Camped at PCT Mile 812, I hiked 11 Miles today.